Category: Dinosaurs


Glyptodon was a massive armored mammal roughly the size of a Volkswagen Beetle, these large mammals were native to South America but eventually migrated through Central and North America. The Glyptodon physically resembled a variety of creatures with similar characteristics to turtles, ankylosaurs and armadillos, the latter of which the Glyptodon is related to. Although


The Macrauchenia was a mammal with long limbs and a long neck that gets is name from the Greek for ‘big neck’. This extinct mammal was native to South America, specifically Argentina where, to-date the only fossil specimens have been found. The first Macrauchenia specimen was found by Charles Darwin on the voyage of Beagle


The Parksosaurus was a type of ornithopod that roamed the land of what is now Canada. This small, bipedal herbivore was believed to live during the later Cretaceous period and its physical look is based off of fossils that depict a partial skull and a partial skeleton. Although a full estimation of the size of


The Protoceratops was a small sheep-sized dinosaur that traveled the land in the upper Cretaceous Period of what is now known as Mongolia. These small herbivores belonged to the Protoceratopsidae family which was part of the larger order of Ceratopsia. The Protoceratops is a relatively primative species of horned dinosaur and doesn’t have particually well


The Tarchia is a type of ankylosaurid that roamed the sand dunes of Mongolia in the Late Cretaceous period. The ankylosaurid order is made up of dinosaurs of this type from North America and Asia with the Tarchia currently being the youngest known of Asian ankylosaurids. Like other ankylosaurid’s the Tarchia was massive and have


The Tianyulong is known from one partial fossil that was found in Jianchang Country, China. The name Tianyulong comes from the Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature where the partial fossil is currently on show. The partial fossil of the Tianyulong shows most of the skull and some of the spine and limbs and is believed


The Sinornithosaurus is a species of feathered dinosaur believed to have lived in the Lower Cretaceous Period throughout what is now China. The name Sinornithosaurus comes from a combination of Latin and Greek and literally means ‘Chinese bird-lizard’. The Sinornithosaurus was the fifth feathered dinosaur to be discovered that was not of avian origin and


The Brachiosaurus is one of the largest animals our world has ever seen and was certainly one of, if not the largest sauropod dinosaur to walk the earth through the late Jurassic period. The name Brachiosaurus originates as a combination of the Greek words for ‘arm’ and ‘lizard’, this name was given to the Brachiosaurus


Epidexipteryx is a small maniraptoran dinosaur believed to be from the middle Jurassic or upper Jurassic periods thought to have been found in China. The Epidexipteryx is a relatively recent discovery and currently only one single fossil of this elusive dinosaur has been found which is currently being held in IVPP (Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology

Troodon Formosus

The Troodon formosus was a small dinosaur, one that was considered a coelurosaurian, which is to say that it was a member of the same group of evolutionary animals that today’s birds belong to. Scientists have found fossilized remains that show them nesting parents and egg clutches and small infants in nests, so they were

Irish Elk/Giant Deer

The Irish Elk was the largest deer that ever lived. Its home was Eurasia, from Ireland into the lakes at Baikal, and it lived during the Pleistocen area. The last of the giant deer died out about 7 thousand years ago. Irish Elk The Irish Elk was not strictly Irish in nature, and lived in


The Velociraptor was a very fast moving biped dinosaur. It was a meat eater, who could, according to scientists, outrun anything it came near. The Velociraptor had over eighty very thin and sharp curved teeth, which were well over an inch long. Velociraptor Its neck was shaped like an s, curved forward and the arms


Allosaurus was a large carnivorous biped of the dinosaur era, which had a very large head, which was balanced only by his very long, very heavy tail. In what is now the United States, Allosaurus was the largest common predator dinosaur. It lived about 100 million years ago, in the Jurassic period of Earth, sharing


Ages ago in the spring time of the earth species that were unlike anything we know today wandered across the countries and owned everything they saw. Triceratops was one of those species. It lived in what is now Canada, Mexico and the United States. Triceratops Triceratops was an herbivore, which means that it liked plants


At the end of the last ice age, two different types of cats were living in the Midwest areas of the United States. The first was the old favorite, saber tooth tiger, whose real name was Smilodon. He had extremely large canine teeth which you usually think about with the sabertooth. Saber Tooth His canine