Category: Critically Endangered Species

Greater bamboo lemur

The Greater bamboo lemur s found exclusively on the island of Madagascar and can be immediately recognized by its prominent white ears. The Greater bamboo lemur was actually believed to have been extinct up until 1972 when a small isolated population was discovered. Like many other lemurs the Greater bamboo lemur is currently listed as


The Onager are a large type of wild ass and the fastest of the species reaching up to 70km per hour. Once situated across all of Iran the Onager’s can now only be found in two locations and both of which are conservation areas. The Onager population is estimated to be around 500 and although

Javan Rhinoceros

The Javan Rhinoceros is the rarest of all living rhino species today. Boasting a massive bulk and densely folded skin the Javan Rhinoceros population has decreased rapidly leaving only around 60 individual rhinos alive today, one group in Vietnam and the other in Java, Indonesia. The massive drop in population is down to a combination

Bactrian Camel

The Bactrian Camel is a true survivor, these ancient dual humped camels and survive for great periods without food or water and can even with stand nuclear radiation. Unfortunately the Bactrian Camel is now classed as critically endangered because although a true survivor the Bactrian Camel’s can not withstand human advancement, constant hunting and habitat

Black Rhinoceros

The Black Rhinoceros draws its name not from its color but from its upper lip which is used to expertly grasp plant life for consumption. Sadly it is estimated that there are only around 3,600 of these magnificent rhinos life in the world today and because of this they are considered critically endangered. Another victim

Sumatran Rhinoceros

The Sumatran Rhinoceros is a two-horned rhinoceros that is also known as the ‘hairy rhino’ be cause it is covered in thin coarse hair from top to bottom. Currently classed as critically endangered the Sumatran Rhinoceros is another ground mammal that is on the verge of extinction thanks to human activity, specifically deforestation and serious

Golden Bamboo Lemur

The Golden Bamboo Lemurs get their name from the distinct golden colored fur around their face and inner body coupled with their exclusive diet of bamboo. The Golden Bamboo Lemurs are currently listed as critically endangered due to loss of habitat from farming and agriculture expanse which is limiting their food source and home. The