Category: Critically Endangered Species

European Sea Sturgeon

Sturgeons are one of the so-called “living fossils”. In the time when dinosaurs ruled Earth, Sturgeon ancestors were the most widespread sea fish. Their appearance hasn’t changed since that time. This fish is also called the Baltic or simply Common Sturgeon. Nowadays, they live in the coastal waters of Europe north of Africa up to

Przewalski’s Horse

Przewalski’s horse is nowadays the only true wild horse and is considered to be the ancestor of all races of the modern horse. Unfortunately, almost all specimen live in zoos. Many zoos play a vital role in preserving the Przewalski’s horse, breeding them in captivity and then releasing them in the wild. It is estimated

Hawaiian Monk Seal

Hawaiian Monk Seal is an endangered seal, native to the Hawaiian Islands and it is believed to have evolved there. The Hawaiian Monk Seal is the most endangered seal in U.S. waters, with a population of about 1200 (the most endangered seal in the world is the Mediterranean Monk Seal). The Monk Seal subclass is


Amazingly, the Saola were discovered by the Western civilisation only in 1992, but they’re already endangered, and their numbers are estimated to be below one thousand. They’re found only in Vietnam and Laos, near the border of the two countries. The reason for it’s late discovery is their elusiveness and cautiousness and the ability to

Gulf Coast Jaguarundi

The Gulf Coast Jaguarundi are an extremely rare species of cat, found only in specific parts of Northern America – in the Western Gulf coastal grasslands of southern United States and Northwestern Mexico. These highly endangered weasel-like wild cats are on the brink of extinction, as more and more of their natural habitat is destroyed.


Fossa is a very rare predatory mammal, found only on the island of Madagascar off the shore of Africa. These carnivores are closely related to Mongeese and in appearance they resemble a cross between a Puma and a dog, and their size of up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) make them the largest predatory mammal

Pink-headed Duck

The Pink-headed Duck was a large diving duck that id now feared to be extinct. Once thriving throughout India, the swamps of Myanmar and Bangladesh the Pink-headed Duck has not been seen since the 1950’s even though numerous expeditions have taken place to locate the species. Despite the lack of sightings the Pink-headed Duck is

Crested Shelduck

The Crested Shelduck is an elusive species of bird that belongs to the Anatidae family. Very little is actually known about the Crested Shelduck which is mostly down to very limited observations of the species and although currently listed as critically endangered many believe that the Crested Shelduck may be extinct. The only reason that

Barrio’s Frog

Barrio’s Frog is found in only one place in the world – Mehuin, Valdivia, Chille. These unique frogs are extremely fast and although they make their home around streams they are not very good swimmers, however they make up for it by being powerful jumpers. Currently the Barrio’s Frog is classed as critically endangered due

Anderson’s Salamander

Anderson’s Salamander is a unique species of salamander that is only found in Lake Zacapu, Mexico. This rare salamander is unique in that it retains juvenile characteristics throughout its life, essentially coming into sexual maturity very early on in its lifespan. Sadly Anderson’s Salamander is currently classed as critically endangered due to pollution in Lake


The Hirola species of antelope is currently classed as critically endangered and has seen a gigantic drop in population over the last 30 years declining from around 14,000 to current figures of just over 600. The reason for the massive decline in population is a combination of habit loss, poaching and even natural drought. Once