The Collared Aracari (Pteroglassus torquatus) is part of the toucan family. It breeds year round in the tropical rainforests of Central American and southern Mexico. It is a near-passerine bird which is brithly marked and its most distinctive physical characteristic is its amazingly large beak. Their beaks are about 4 inches long, which is a
The Toucan Barbet or Semnornis ramphastinus is a small bird that can be found in the tropical forests in southwestern Colombia and western Ecuador in South America. Previously, this bird was grouped together with the other barbets in the Capitonidae. However, there were DNA studies which confirmed that this arrangement is paraphyletic where barbets are
The Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus) is also known as Sulfur-breasted Toucan and is belong to a colorful Latin American member of the toucan family. They can be found mainly in Southern Mexico to Venezuela and Colombia. The Keel-billed Toucan range between 42 – 55cm long, including its famous long beak. Their large and colourful beak
Toucans are species from Ramphastidae family. The Ramphastidae family includes five (genus) types and forty different species of Toucans and they are brightly marked and have large, colorful bills. The name of the Toucan comes from ‘tucano’, which was the name given by the Tupi Indians of Brazil. They are found mostly in tropical and
Thresher sharks can be found in almost every part of the temperate and tropical ocean and there are three type of the same species altogether. The most common thresher shark is also the largest of its species as it can attain up to six meters of length and half of its length is mainly of
The Jambu Fruit Dove is the known most unique dove species in the world that can mostly be found in the South East Asia region in countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. The dove mainly lives in the tropical rainforest high up to about 1,500 meters in the trees but the decreasing size
Just like the common thresher sharks, the pelagic thresher sharks are of the same thresher species but they are mostly identified for their distinctive elongated upper lobes caudal fins. It is the smallest species amongst its thresher sharks species that estimated to grow up in between 3 meters to 3.5 meters in length. They are
Jambul, also known as Jambu, an evergreen tropical tree mostly found in South Asia, Indonesia, and Australia. Many mistake the Jambul as a blackberry because of the color of the fruit, but blackberries are entirely a different fruit. The fruit shape and scent resembles an apricot when it is ripe and they are useful for
The ribbonfish are an open water fish that are named after its slim, ribbon-like appearance. They live in deep waters (but are not bottom feeders) and are rarely seen alive. They are easily recognised from other fish species due to their long, compressed, ribbon or tape-shaped body, short head, and narrow mouth. Drawing of a
The bigeye thresher is a species of the thresher shark family, which is found in temperate and tropical oceans all over the world. Richard Thomas Lowe, a British biologist, was the first person to scientifically describe the bigeye thresher and his findings were published in the the 1840’s in 2 prestigious journals. His description was
Found in the temperate and tropical oceans in the world, Thresher sharks are lamniform sharks from the Alopiidae family. There are 3 species of the thresher shark in the Alopias genus. The reason why this shark was dubbed the thresher shark, is because it has a distinctive thresher-like tail which can actually be as long
The Black-footed ferret is the only ferret species in North America that is closely related to the Steppe Polecat from Russia. These small carnivorous prairie animals were classified as endangered mammal in United States since 1967. I'm happy to see you! Black-footed ferrets weigh roughly about 1 kg and are around 45-55 cm long with
Native to Asia, the lemon is a small and evergreen tree known for its oval yellow fruit. It is used for both culinary and non-culinary purposes around the world, mostly for its juice, pulp, and rind. Lemon juice 5% – 6% citric acid, which gives lemons a sour taste as it has a pH level
Capsicum is a flowering plant in the Solanaceae family. Its species are native to the Americas, where they have been culivated for thousands of years before it spread worldwide. This humble fruit is used for a variety of purposes such as medicine or for health reasons. There are 20-27 different capsicum species, and are known
The Chili pepper is a fruit that is from the Capsicum genus. Although technically the fruit of capsicums are called berries, peppers are considered vegetables. They were originally from the Americas. After the Columbian Exchange took place, numerous cultivars of the chili pepper spread across the world for both medicinal and food purposes. Hot chili