Australian Death Adder

Common Death Adders live in eastern and south-western Australia. They are found in woodlands and forests, wetlands and in nearly every aspect of Australia that is damper and provides some ground cover. Australian Death AdderThe Death adder is among the most deadly of snakes, and its venom can kill in a very short time, however,

Magnolia Tree

The Evergreen Magnolia Tree has been around for several million years according to scientists. Fossils of Magnolia like trees have been found that date more than twenty million years, indicating the very ancient lineage of this, one of the most beautiful of trees. One scientific theory says that magnolias were the ancestors of nearly all


The Brolga is a very large grey crane like bird with a red head that is without feathers, and a tall grey crown. Their legs are grey and a black dewlap of skin rests under their chin. The Brolga is well known for its loud call which is trumpet like, and given during flight, at

Goblin Shark

Goblin shark, scientifically known as Mitsukurina owstoni, is a wacky creature of deep blue sea. Having a soft and flabby body with blade-shaped long snout makes this creature set apart from the rest. It has fang-type teeth with extensively sharp jaws. The most striking part of their body is the unusual shape of their head.

Legless Lizard

When most people think of a lizard they think of a being with legs, but there is one lizard that defies this description and it is aptly called the legless lizard. This species looks an awful lot like a snake and it belongs to the Anguidae family, which is a family that contains 80 species.

Great Horned Owl

The Great horned owl, or Bubo Virginianus has a wide range and habitat, but are always a permanent resident of their chosen territory. There are almost no predators to the adult Great Horned Owl, however they are at times killed in fights with eagles, snowy owls and many times other great horns, which does end

Walking Shark

The tiny Epaulette shark is a relatively new discovery, but one that is unique in its style and method of movement. The “walking” shark, rather than swim around to gather prey, walks across the bottom, using its fins to take it where it wants to go. The walking shark moves by propelling itself with its


Although it rarely occurs in the wild, a liger, a cross between a male lion, and a female tiger has been known to happen. What the result is, is a lion with stripes that are diffuse in nature. They are also the largest cats in the world, although the Siberian Tiger is the largest “pure

Frilled Shark

The frilled shark, is one of several species of primitive shark, The Southern African frilled shark is a proposed new species from the Southern African range. These two species are very different from other sharks, and it was proposed that the two frilled sharks should be given their own order. The frilled was thought to

Box Jellyfish

The Box Jellyfish is a water dweller. An invertebrate that belongs to the family of Cubgoza, the box jellyfish is not an actual jellyfish at all, but a separate animal entirely. The box jellyfish is found off the coast of Australia, in the Phillipines, Hawaii, Vietname and most tropical areas, where they are rampant in

Desert Iguana

The Desert Iguana is a small Iguana in comparison to its rain forest cousins, and is found living in the Mojave and the Sonoran Deserts, both in California. The Iguana can also be found in Utah, South Central Arizona and parts of Nevada. Desert iguanas are medium-sized lizards with a blunt heads that are about

Rock Hyrax

The Rock Hyrax is a small mammal, about twenty inches long that weighs in about 7 pounds when fully mature. It has a short brown coat that is coarse in nature, with a creamy colored underbelly, and a small black dorsal patch that covers a single scent gland. They are plump looking with shorter thin

Hairy Armadillo

The Hairy Armadillo, Native to Bolivia, Chile, Argentian and Uruguay, lives in grasslands, plains and steppelike areas and is an omnivore. It is also known as the Screaming Hairy Armadillo for the loud scream like squeal that it makes. This, one of the smaller armadillos, has a section on its head, a smaller narrow strip

Central America Wooly Opossum

The woolly opossum, which is a good bit smaller than its cousins, the North American possums is a tree dweller, primarily found in arboreal forests in both Central and South America. This opossum is an omnivore, and will eat fruit, berries, insects, smaller vertebrates and also carrion when they are taking food. The wooly opossum