The roadrunner is legendary for its speed, its unique appearance and because it is fast enough to catch and eat even a rattlesnake.
Roadrunners are faster, large brown and what or black and white birds that sport a head crest, strong legs and feet and a tail that is long and tipped in white.
The bill of the roadrunner is almost comically large and is useful to gather snakes and other prey.
The roadrunner can range from 20 to 24 inches from the tip of his tail to the beak.
It is part of the family of birds known as the cuckoo, with two toes aimed toward the front and two toes aimed toward the back.

When the roadrunner senses any kind of danger it will fly, which shows off its white crescent beneath the wing.
It can’t fly for more than a few seconds at a time, so walks or runs. The roadrunner can speed along at up to 20 miles per hour when it is in high speed.
The habitat of the roadrunner is primarily a desert one, flat ground and scrub brush and tumbleweeds, and it will eat a large supply of very moist food, including snatching a dragonfly from midair1, or grabbing a hummingbird as it speeds past.
The roadrunner feeds almost entirely on other animals. It is classed as one of the carnivorous birds.
It will eat snakes frogs, lizards, scorpion’s rodents and even other birds.
Only in the winter will it include a greater portion of plant matter due to the scarcity of other plants.
Due to its incredible speed it is one of the very few animals that eat the rattlesnake rather than being eaten by the rattlesnake.
It will snag the rattlesnake by the tail and crack it across stones or the ground repeatedly until it is dead.
It will then display a very strange behavior. It is not able to eat the whole snake at one time, so, it will begin to swallow the prey whole, which is how they eat, and when it can’t continue to swallow, will walk around the desert scrub with the snake swinging from its mouth, and eat another few inches as part of the swallowed parts digest.

He courts his female by offering her choice tidbits of his own foods, and dances for her as she will beg for the bites.
After breeding he will give her the food.
Both parents gather materials but only the female builds the actual nest, which she will normally, build in a cactus or other small scrub or tree.
The female will lay about ten eggs and usually does so over the course of a few days, which means not all the eggs will hatch at one time.
Incubation of the eggs takes about twenty days. It is done by both parents, however more often than not the male sits on the eggs at night, because he has a slightly higher body temperature.
Those who hatch first will very often crowd the later arrivals out of the nest, which sometimes means they are eaten by the parents.
Usually only 4 or 5 of the young live to fly from the nest.
They stay near the parents for about 3 weeks until they are off on their own.
Find out more about the Roadrunner over at Wikipedia »
This was awsome!
i want to know if they are endangered can you tell me if they are because i am a forth grade student doing a report on the state of new mexico and i need your help
hi logan ,the roadrunner is NOT endangered but we still have to respect it!
What kills them off? I had several on my property last summer and now there are none.
Cats or bigger birds usually.
When you spray for bugs, you are actually poisoning their food chain. If there are no bugs or lizards, they will move.
They haven’t, necessarily, been “killed off.” I’ve lived on the same 13 acres in the country for over 30 years. Each year is different in so far as what plants and animals are abundant or scarce.
Roadrunners are no exception. I’ve seen them in our yard, with varying frequency, during all that time, catching mice, lizards, and frogs. This year, 2015 has been exceptional, though. There have been more Roadrunners than during any of the previous years. I have seen them, several times a day all year long.
Right this minute, a female is just outside my living room window. She is taking a “dust bath” on a gopher mound in the front yard. A couple of months ago I was in a convenience store next to a busy highway in an urban area and I saw a Roadrunner come up to the door and look through the glass.
Road Runners like to eat Hamburger! We have fed many wild RoadRunners and I have had one eat from my hand. They will come around when they are hungry and peck at the sliding glass door.
Our 2 roadies …Hisser and Catcher have been coming to our house for hamburger about 20 times a day they grab a bite and run to their nest this has been going on for a little over a week now I watch them go over our fence and up the street behind us. I think tomorrow I may follow them to see if I can see the chicks We were really hoping that they would nest in our yard but noo they did not we have a pond that all the birds around use to bathe and drink in