Category: Ground Reptiles


The juvenile caiman eat insects, mollusks and small sea and water life such as crawfish and shrimp. The larger the caiman grows; it eats more small animals, birds and fish. Adult caiman feast on animals such as wild pigs and the meat eating piranha that inhabit the streams and rivers. Cannibalism has been observed when

Timber Rattlesnake

Croatus Horridus, or the American Timber Rattler is a poisonous snake of the pit viper variety that is native to America. It is particularly common in areas of dense forests such as Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Virginia as well as New York State. Timber Rattler The adult timber rattler is a wide broad snake that


Even if you have never seen a massasauga rattlesnake you will have a vague image of it by the use of its nickname, swamp rattler. The Massasauga The Massasauga is about two to three feet long, and has “saddle” markings on its back that are deep brown, as well as three rows of brown black

Cotton Mouth Snake

Among the most poison snakes in the US, the Cotton Mouth, or Water Moccasin ranks in the top array, but the Cottonmouth is not only poisonous, he is also among the most aggressive and bad tempered of snakes. The Cottonmouth belongs to the family of pit vipers, and is a very nasty guy to come

Toxic Tiger Snake

The Tiger Snake is a very large poisonous snake that is primarily found in the tropical and subtropical areas of Australia. As Australian animals go is it among the most poisonous, in a land that features toxic things aplenty. Tiger snakes are found in fairly large numbers and since there are several types, the populations

The Deadly Taipan

The Taipan, found all through Australia is a very large and extremely quick snake that is also highly poisonous. There are three types of Taipan, one of them recently discovered and each is a highly toxic snake. The Inland Taipan reportedly has the most highly toxic poison of any species of snake world wide. The

False Cobra

False cobra (Malpolon moilensis) Although it is in fact mildly toxic, generally the false cobra is harmless to man. The false cobra is rather like a sand snake, however it is thicker bodies and can overcome somewhat larger prey than the sand snake. False Cobra The false cobra, when cornered will spread its neck out

Green Anaconda

Part of the Boa family of snakes, the Green Anaconda, which is native to South American is one of the largest snakes in the world. Although the Reticulated Python does get longer, the Anaconda is more than twice as heavy and a great deal larger around than its better known cousin. The Green Anaconda can

Mugger Crocodile

The Mugger is a true crocodile but is one of the most like an alligator of all crocodiles, both in what it looks like as well as how it lives and behaves. They is a fairly large sized crocodile, and can reach about 15-16 feet in length. Generally the male mugger crocodile will weigh more

Mexican Milk Snake

Lampropeltis triangulum is the more technical name of this snake. The Mexican milk snake is atype of snake known as a King Snake.There are about 25 different kinds of milk snakes, including one very common one called the scarlet kingsnake, which is frequently seen sunning itself on rocks. Milksnakes can have a variety of very

Matamata Turtle

The Matamata or ‘I kill, I kill’ as it is translated in Spanish is known to live in parts of the Amazon, Brazil and Trinidad. The Matamata is a master of camouflage in its river-bed environment, it will lay in wait expertly camouflaged by the dark brown colouring of its shell, coupled with the roughness

Leopard Tortoise

(Geochelone pardalis) The Leopard tortoise is a large tortoise that is found in Africa, from the Sudan to the Capes of the southern aspects, and is a type of tortoise that likes the drier areas that are thorny and grassy in nature.

Blue Tongued Lizard

Blue Tongued Lizard (This is Dianas suggestion. She likes this one because it has a smurf looking tongue.) Blue Tongues Lizards are reptiles, from the family of lizard’s called skinks. In Australia where they live, they are called lizards, although lizards don’t usually occur in Australia. They are among some of the largest members of


The Hellbender is one of the largest salamanders in the world, which are rivaled only by a few who are close to their size that live in China and Japan. Once numbering literally millions, they are today not truly endangered but are limited to the healthy stream systems that are throughout the eastern United States.