Day: March 11, 2008


Those that are familiar with wildlife in Madagascar are familiar with the Fossa, though these animals are not well known by those from the rest of the world. The Fossa is a mammal and is thought to be most closely related to the mongoose. Most know of this animal because it is the second largest


At first glance many people guess the Bilby to be a rabbit, and then others believe it is some sort of mouse, but neither is true! The Bilby is actually a marsupial that is most closely related to the bandicoot. The meaning of the world in an Aboriginal language is “long nosed rat” indicating that


The Chimaera is also known as Chimaera fish, ghost sharks, ratfish, or rabbitfishes. These fish are related to both sharks and rays and are a member of the order Chimaeriformes. Unlike a lot of animals that you’ll find in the water, the chimaera has a skeleton that is made up of cartilage and their skin

Vervet Monkey

The Vervet Monkey, which is sometimes known as the green monkey, is a medium sized primate that is actually a member of the Old World monkeys. The Old World monkeys make up six different species and the Vervet Monkey makes up the whole genus Chloroecbus. These monkeys are quite unique, having dorsal fur colorings that

Northern Mockingbird

The northern mockingbird is the only mockingbird that is found in North America, though the species has been known since the mid 1700s. The northern mockingbird is closely related to two other species that are found south of the United States and these are the tropical mockingbird and the Socorro mockingbird. Though not common, it


The Bunyip is a mythical beast of Australian Folklore which also has ties to Aboriginal mythology. The name Bunyip is translated as ‘Devil’ or ‘Spirit’ and the beast has most commonly been described as some kind of lake monster said to dwell in things such as billabongs and swamps. Accounts from early Aboriginal drawings show

Sudanese Man Marries Goat

A man has been forced to marry a goat after he was found making love to the animal in Sudan. Mr Alifi said: “It was approximately midnight when Tombe, (the goat lover) arrived. I was in bed at the time. All of a Sudden, I heard the goat outside, it was being really loud”. I