Bull Shark
Bull Sharks are known by many other names, among them Cub Shark and Nicaragua Shark.
They have a very stout body and a broad short face and snout. Their eyes are very small in comparison to their bodies and they boast a pointed typical dorsal fin.
The upper part of their bodies is pale gray, which fades to paler gray on the underbelly.
They grow in length to about 11 feet and at birth are about 4 to 4 and half feet long.

Bull Sharks are regular visitors to inshore waters, and like lagoons freshwater rivers and lakes as well as coastlines.
The Bull Sharks is famous for its ability and habit of swimming many hundreds of miles inland into rivers such as the Mississippi and the Zambezi.
They are subtropical in Nature and will live anywhere from Africa to the coast of the US near North Carolina and Florida.
They eat many different varieties of fishes, turtles and seals as well as crabs and squid when they can take them.
Bull Sharks are live bearers, who have their young beneath the water. They bear from one to 12 young after gestating about 10 months.
The young are born ready to care for themselves and the parent shark does not protect or defend them.

Bull Sharks are one of the few sharks who are implicated each year in attacks on swimmers.
They are about third in line for the sharks that will attack most often. First in that category is of course the great white shark.
How vicious are bull sharks?
Im just wondering as the name implies that the are the bull of the sea.
just wondering?