The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), also referred to simply as ‘the devil’, is a carnivorous marsupial now found only in the Australian island state of Tasmania. The Tasmanian Devil is the only extant member of the genus Sarcophilus. The size of a small dog, but stocky and muscular, the Tasmanian Devil is the largest carnivorous
The Cheetah (derived from Sanskrit word Chitraka meaning “Speckled”) (Acinonyx jubatus) is an atypical member of the cat family (Felidae), a poor climber that hunts by speed rather than by stealth. As such, it is placed in its own genus, Acinonyx. It is the fastest of all land animals and can reach speeds of up
Dragonflies are insects that belong to a group called ODanata. This order of insect is classified by their huge multi faceted eyes. They have two pairs of wings which are transparent and very strong, and are attached to a body about one to three inches long. Dragon Flies eat mosquitos, small insects such as flies
Lightning Bugs are in the beetle family. They are commonly called fireflies and are actually attempting to call a mate when they blink. The technical name for their blinking is bioluminescence. I think I’d rather call it blinking, it’s easier to pronounce. Fireflies make what is called cold light. That means it has no ultraviolet
A bogong moth will range in color from a very pale tan to black. They have a wingspan of about an inch or more, and like most moths, have four distinct wings. On each of its wings there is a darker arrow shaped mark with a small spot in the middle of it. The wings
Since bats can fly, there are those who think they are birds. While being birdlike, they have very few similarities actually to birds. Bats are mammalian. They have hairy bodies and feed their young milk. Bats are in fact the only flying mammal that exists. They are nocturnal creatures with their peak activity time just
The Northern flying squirrel is one of the only two species of flying squirrel to be found in North America. It’s range is from as far south as North Carolina across the northern part of the U.S. From Nova Scotia to Alaska, and to the west coast. They have very thick fur of a light
Myths and legends from all over the world portray bats as blood-sucking demons. Vampire bats really do exist, but only three species in Central and South America. The vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) have a wingspan of about eight inches and a body about the size of an adult’s thumb. If not for their diet, people
Azure-Winged Magpies live in a variety of temperate locations including Japan, China, Portugal, and Western Europe, keeping themselves to gardens, hedges, wooded areas and local parks. In these locations the magpie can enjoy their traditional seeds and fruit but also some other small creatures like tree frogs. They are currently not on the endangered species
This pigeon is among the largest of all Pigeons. Typically living in New Guinea lowland forests, they have received their name thanks to a crown of feathers propped on top of the bird’s head, which also makes for a lovely creature. Crowned Pigeon The Crowned Pigeon grows to what could be considered a young turkey’s
The cactus wren is the largest wren in the US, being about 9 inches long. Both sexes have a dull rust colored head and a back which is streaked with color. They have a very spotted breast and tan colored sides and belly. Their wings are black and white barred. They have a very long
The anhinga is a water living bird that lacks an oil gland for waterproofing its feathers such as most birds that live in water do. When it goes swimming the feathers are well doused with water. This is not all bad as it helps the bird dive well and chase under water prey with feathers
Loons are aquatic birds that are native to North America and Europe. A loon is just about the size of a small duck, and that is what it looks like when swimming. The loon’s feathers are black-and-white, with grey on the head and a white belly and a very pointed spear shaped bill. Loon Swimming
The Double crested cormorant is a large dark colored water bird, which is frequently seen sitting in groups on drifting logs, downed trees or any other available perch from Virginia to Florida, and points south of that. It is about 30 inches long and has a massive wingspan of about 50 inches, or some 4
Kookaburras are extremely large kingfisher type birds which are native to Australia. The name kookaburra is the call that the bird actually makes hence its name. The call they give is very unmistakable and very loud. It echoes and some say it sounds very much like human laughter of the hysterical variety, and some people