Skunk Ape
The Skunk Ape or Stink Ape as it is known is said to lurk in Southeast USA. The name ‘Skunk Ape’ is given for its description of an ape-like cryptid and vile stench of rotten eggs that seems to surround it.
Most commonly reported between the 1960’s and 1970’s in the Everglades of Florida but more recently in 2003 in Tennessee when a number of cats disappeared out of the blue, this was blamed on the Skunk Ape, if these accounts are correct and that the Skunk Ape has indeed been devouring tame cats, this may suggest that the Skunk ape is for some reason being pushed further a field than ever before for a source of food.

Skunk Ape
In 2000 photographs of what is said to be a Skunk Ape appeared in circulation. As the story goes a Florida woman claimed to have taken these pictures believing that the alleged ‘Skunk Ape’ was actually an escaped Orangutan taking apples from her garden.
But, is the Skunk Ape a man-eating beast?
The only accounts of Skunk Apes being man-eaters are down to old legend. Skunk Apes are said to kill a lot of livestock and also be extremely aggressive to cats and dogs. Others suggest that the Skunk Apes main form of food is carrion stolen from local predators like crocodiles. Experts suggest that the reason the Skunk Ape is yet to be identified is that it may well live in underground dens where it hordes its stolen carrion, thus explaining the sickening stench that is said to accompany the Skunk Ape.
To most there is no doubt that the Skunk Ape is carnivorous, but is the Skunk Ape a man eater?
Does he stink like a skunk too? That’s one ugly-ass striped big foot, LOL.
I agree with you but leave the swears out steven
Yep, like rotten eggs or Hydrogen Sulfide apparently.
Skunkape are cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Skunkapes stink!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously, it’s an Orangutan.
This is just an aged orangutan.
just got some snap shots of it, and heck i would say that people could have dressed up to get pictures as well!
STeve i highly disagree with u….a orangutans normally dont eat cats…at least i dont think. and b last time i checked…orangutans arent normally 6 or 7 feet…unless they have some overworked pituatary glands
(which i think they dont)
orangitans would probably eat cats, hell chimpanzees are smarter than them and they eat eachother, but this was proven to just be a orangitan in that picture
People I think that the answer is very clear. We must all go into the swamp lands and forest for ourselves and find the answers we can understand and believe.
I defenently agree with you but check out my answer
I think skunkapes r cool
these are just oranortangs cut out and pasted in other pictures. Or people in costumes. IF YOU DO’T BELEIVE ME CHECK OUT THE SHOW IS IT TRUE ON THE ANIMAL PLANET STATIN
its an orangutang with a beard… LOL
i say this beast before i lived in florida i did im part of monster hunters on monster quest so i can tell you about this beast
The color of the fur is wrong if is an orang..unless its the lighting. And orangs are not nocturnal.. they sleep at nite like we do.
The color of the fur is wrong if is an orang..unless its the lighting. And orangs are not nocturnal.. they sleep at nite like we do.
The color of the fur is wrong if is an orang..unless its the lighting. And orangs are not nocturnal.. they sleep at nite like we do.