Harp Seal
Harp seals are pinnipeds, which mean that they are able to live on land and in the water. They are very social creatures who stay together in large herds but only form bonds with their young.
Ancestors of the seals were most likely dogs. Perhaps that is why their young are called pups. Creatures that lived on sea coast so long ago used the food of the sea to survive and their bodies became adapted to that way of life.

Adult Harp Seal
Bodies became streamlined for speed in the water. Feet became webbed as swimming was of major importance to survival. Blubber became a factor in survival.
They live in the North Atlantic Ocean. They are excellent divers and the blubber helps protect their bodies from the pressure of water when diving deep.
Their lungs are designed to collapse during deep diving so on the way back to the surface they will not suffer the pain of the bends. They can stay under water for over a half hour. Their heart rate slows and their blood only flows to organs of priority.
Like whales, they use a method of communication called echolocation.
Sounds from the seal swimming bounce off objects in the water, whilst the seal, having very keen hearing, knows where the object is.
Harp seals have coats of very short hair, not fur. Its name comes from the harp shaped band which crosses it’s shoulders the color of the band is a bit darker than their fur and the males have a darker band than females.
They have nostrils which automatically close when they dive.The nostrils stay closed when they sleep under water, floating beneath the surface.

Harp Seal
Their body warns them when the oxygen levels drop and without waking, they drift upward to get some breaths of air and nostrils close again as they go back under water where they feel safer sleeping.
Once a female is five years old she will mate.Gestation is seven and a half months.She gives birth on the ice to one baby.
The distinct scent of her own pup is how she will later find it when they rejoin the huge herd where there are so many newborn pups.
The mother’s milk is very fat rich so the pup can begin to make blubber. The pups are about three feet long at birth. They can gain as much as ten lbs. a week.
Their babyhood is short — about three weeks. They are weaned and on their own before being a month old. The little ones molt at weeks. The colors of harp seal coats change as they age.
When the pups are left alone, they have a rough time adjusting to that.They seek out other pups for comfort.
Blubber keeps them nourished as they don’t eat or drink until finally hunger and curiosity gets them into the actual water and when the panic of that turns to instinct and they swim, then they begin to adjust well.
The pups are in the water sometime in April and that is a great time for good feeding on fish and plankton and even plants.
They watch and learn from the adults and become part of the herd.
They do not swim fast, but make a journey of a few thousand miles to spend the summer where their ancestors did.
The diet consists of salmon, herring, shrimp, eels, crabs, octopus, and crustaceans of the sea.
The seal have become victims of pollution, of fisherman and their nets, and of seal hunters. Like all of our animals, they are a valuable part of our ecology and as wondrous living creatures they deserve our full protection.
Harp Seal Image Gallery
How can people be so cruel to hunt them for nothing more than a coat. We should take better care of our creatures. Hunting to eat, well even the animals do that but they don’t hunt each other just to get a jacket to ware.
maybe there are people out there that starve so they kill them
What a beautiful picture of the baby seal
Why do they hunt the poor little cute creatures!
Because i think they want to use them for food and clothing. I know its sad… but i guess people think that are made so they become food!
Why do they hunt them! They dont do nothing to us! There just so cute!
i know who would ever want to kill them they’re so cute and fluffy. I’ve come to the conculusion that the hunters are heartless gits.
They are hunted to control their population. With the crash of the Cod fishery and all around harvesting of fish species, the Harp seals food source has been greatly reduced. For the last 4-5 years harp seals have been seen in places never seen before, even when referencing Inuit ancestral history. This includes ponds and rivers where they are beginning to have a devestating effect on trout and salmon species. It is feared that it is only a matter of time before the Harp seal herd begins to experience starvation and the multitude of side effects that brings with it, including disease.
I tend to disagree with that commentary on many levels. Hunting the older seals is population control. Clubbing the infants is greed.
true but why club them? that’s cruelty on so many levels. it would be murder and the killer would be sent to jail if it were a human. so why is it so different if it’s a seal. It’s just cruel to think about it.
yes. i agree totally with you. why club the pups if the adults are doing the harm? i don’t agree that clubbing the adults is right. killing is a violation against nature, but the pups didn’t do anything, it’s just heartlessness.
It is purely evil. The so called men who kill these babies are inhuman and must be devoid of any emotions. It should not be called a “hunt” . The animals are not hunted, they are just sitting targets for the scum to kill.
how stupid for those people to do that to those little things there so adorible and for all u who do it ur an @$$
i agree @$$’$ hurting pups. i mean i can’t even punch my brother for a joke. how could any one kill a baby seal and not feel terrible afterwards?
how could people be so heartless and hurt something so innocent
mmmm what would rive a person to do something as inhuman as killing a baby?
It’s so cruel what they do to those little animals. I’m writing a report right now and it seems mean to just hunt for the fur and nothing else. I can see why people hunt for food, but noone will get much meat off of such a little seal. Who ever hunts the pups should be fined
i was also writing a report on it but i just couldn’t finish it. i just kept on vomiting every time i went to write about those baby pups killed for nothing. they were defenseless and yet they still died just for living. i had to get my friend to write it for me.
this website is very helpful have to do a report on harp seals for school and thank god i found this website or i’d be lost searching every page on google and i just wanted to take a moment to say thanks!
sincerely, mariah
don’t hunt seals!
i think that it is very for people to slaughter those little inocent creatures like that.honestly people shold not treat any living creature that God has put on this eath just to be killed for its fur and if they dont like it they can emmigrate some place ele its that simple. i wonder how the hunters feel when they look in the pups eyes and say how can i do this its so wrong IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW!
its very natural for every one to brith and die do not criticize no one
save the nature and animals. because we are also animals. if we take care of our nature then it will take care of us. think of HUMANITY. EARTH is HEAVEN with all the species.
those poor babies. how any person could look into the eyes of a baby harp seal only to bring a hook or club onto its head is sick and cruel. they should make seal hunting punishable. i vote the “hunters” be taken out and clubbed to death themselves.
well, though that would be “what they diverse” it would mean we are doing what we said is wrong. and who would kill the person that killed them? it would be an endless row of death. i say they spend life in jail.
I can’t believe people kill animals and it isn’t illegal. People would feel the same way if animals tried to shoot them to make a fur coat. The amount of animals endangered mostly because of cruel merciless people hunting them is unbelievable. What did these cute innocent animals ever do to us?
why isn’t it illegal? why can we kill them and make a “beautiful” coat and they can’t have revenge? it’s stupid. i think the human race needs to pull our heads in, there’s a bigger picture that just us and what we want.
they are so adorable and cute why do they kill them
i think that they are so cute as a baby why do they kill them why don’t they kill krill
because other animals need krill to survive, so by killing krill they could drive them to remote places killing off the animal that feeds of it.
i know how you fell im sick of people doing this to animals and i fell so disgusted about it
i know it makes me sick to think people do that with no means to stop.
because they are greedy @$$’$ and can’t see that what they’re doing is wrong, or they are cruel people with no conscience.
they are wonderful and cute and adorable.They are so cute,and chubby little creatures!
they are wonderful and interesting creatures!
the seals are beautiful in so many ways
I am doing a report on them, they are so cute!
here’s what i say people who hunt such cute little creatures are complete idiots. i mean who could hunt such helpless little creatures just for coats. The least you could do is wait for the seals to die then take them for coats.
So peace out, nature lover
i agree it would be better that killing them as pups and taking their coats whilst they’re alive. but taking skin off a dead animal is rather disturbing as well. well thats my point of view, i just think they’re impatient and can’t wait for the animal to die or they can’t leave them alone so they kill them as pups because they are more defenseless.
im doing a report on them too, they are ADORABLE!!!!
They haven’t hunted the baby seals since 1987. They have to be more than a year old now, which means they have already lost their white coat and are fully grown
Who “they”, Kyle? Canada still does a hunt. It’s going on this year. 250,000 of them will be butchered, 25% by bashing their skulls in, the rest by bullets, which often miss and leave them to die a slow and painful death, and no skin even gotten. And there’s not even a legit market for the pelts. It’s time to put this archaic “hunt” in the past.
Im doing a report on them for science, they are so cute!!
I cannot tell you how ANGRY THIS MAKES ME! I really dont give a flying f**k if people are only hunting them for FOOD and for FUR to keep warm, they can go and find other resources for food and warmth ! Assbags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you think im over reacting, trust me im not- go and check some images on google (type in ‘seals being killed’) and then go on youtube and type in ‘canadian seal hunt’ – youll soon understand why I am so ANGRY and EXTREMELY UPSET! I honestly cried over this matter for around TWO HOURS! If by some chance the UGLY FAT NO BRAIN ASSBAGS come across this comment then i want you rat bags to know: STOP DOING THIS NOWWWWWWWW! Everyone hates you apart from the people buying the far- (selfish bast*rds, getting seals killed just so they can have a coat!) ROT IN HELL ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS ARE DOES THIS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i agree with everything you said because i have watched the video’s and seen the pictures and i cried too, and i think that wearing fake fur is just as good so please don’t think you are the only one as angry and upset over the matter. i think the cruel mother f**kers can go back to the part of hell they came from. i admire your bravery to say what you did. all the things i’ve seen turned me from red meat vegetarian to full vegetarian. i love what you did.
umm im sory but u are the assbag here, you were prolly brought up in one of those weird homes that beleive that we should eat f@#kin tofu and drive bikes everywhere you go. when you club a seal they die instantly, they don’t suffer, they bleed, people eat’m, make jackets and then we go on with our lives… werever the f**k you live, you think that everything different someone does is wrong, your the f**kin retard,and if you think us canadians are so wrong have a look at new york city, more people are murdered there a year then seals are, hunting seals is not wrong. its no different then killing any other animal, farm animals get slaughtered more then seals you don’t see people eating sealmacs at mc donalds you f@#ker.
False. They do NOT die instantly, they do suffer… and nobody even wants to buy the skins any more, but why is it okay to end a being’s life when all you want is its skin? FACT is that the ice is melting (perhaps due to selfish people like you who don’t bother to care about anything that isn’t punching them in the nose at at that very moment) and they are swiftly losing the ability to reproduce. Meanwhile, shortsighted slaughters continue.
It’s easy to be a keyboard badass. This tofu-eater will readily knock your ass back 6 feet with the first punch. So put a sock in it, tough guy, and get the FACTS, the TRUTH. It’s not hard to find. There’s plenty of footage, if you’ve got the balls to bother knowing truth.
Oh, and yeah, it IS wrong to kill another being when you don’t need to.
Fact is, they are NOT being hunted for food, or even for fur to keep warm. The bodies are left spewn out across the ice, stripped of their skins. Though there is no real market for the skins, the Canadian government still provides subsidies to keep this barbaric non-industry alive.
Gosh the little ones are SO cute. They are very smart too and can be trained just like a dog. Jennifer Cisowski
Hello, me and my fellow classmate are doing a project on Harp Seals. We have to come up with a power point and would like to use one of your pictures of the Harp Seal in this presentation. May we have your permission to do so?
“Their lungs are designed to collapse during deep diving so on the way back to the surface they will not suffer the pain of the bends”.
RUBBISH. The bends is caused when air is breathed under pressure by divers and as they re surface the pressurised air expands again forming bubblesn in the blood and body. As the seals do not breath under water bubbles do not form. Seals’ lungs have evolved to collapse under pressure because the alternative would be a body so rigid to balance the water pressure that they could not move underwater. (submarines are like this but they have a propeller, seals do not.)
the people hwo hunt them are stupid and mean the seals are so adorable.I can not believe their are peaple that are so crule.
i didn’t at first until i had to do a project on them and saw pictures and video’s of it. i still cry myself to sleep some nights.
we aren’t cruel… they die instantly when you club’m. your just so sensitive
how would you like to be clubed do unto others as you would do unto yourself
Gina was pale with
Again. Heres some of wherever it up max
i think its stupid that people are killing these poor little creatures!SO STOP NOW!
no it doesn’t.. im perfectly fine wit it
leave the poor animals alone what did they ever do to u?
People do this for fun or forthere fur it is sad and it is cruel to hurt such harmless animals what did they ever do to you. people that hunt harp seals down don’t understand that they have their own lives so just leave them alone because who would want to kill a cute and innocent little animal just for nothing. SAVE ALL ANIMALS FROM HUNTERS AND SPARE THERE LIVES.
shut up
you well not you but the people who kill those beautiful,cute and fluffy little fellers.they have been on this world much much longer then those hunters that kill them.you should respect animals the way they respect you.when you desturb there young they will hurt .
you are the stupidest person i have ever seen on one of these things… get your facts strait and then coment
IKR Canadians kill these animals by the thousands…
i wonder how harp seals survive
me to i mean they’ve already been forced out of their breeding ground
theres ten million of them in canada there not in danger at all
You again? What a short-sighted fool you are! You know NOTHING… and yet you run on with those fingers. The real figure is about 3 million, and dropping, due to the ice melting.
There are 7 billion of us. That make it okay to start killing us, too?
who would do that i would never a harp seal. I blame Canada kills 350,000 a year
Canadians kill these animals by the thousands…