Bengal Tiger
The Tiger is one of the big four in the cat world. Tigers are native to Asia, and are a predator cat. They are the largest cat in the world.

Bengal Tiger
The Bengal tiger is the most common tiger that exists today, and makes up about eighty percent of all tigers.
Tigers live a very solitary life and are extremely territorial. They prefer to live in the depths of the forest, but will also range and hunt in the open areas, grasslands and fields.
They stalk a prey animal and will ambush it, taking a great variety of prey for food.
Male tigers are a great deal larger then their female counterparts and have a much larger ranging area.
Tigers are the weightiest of the cats which are in the wild. Large Siberian males can reach a whopping 9 feet in length and weigh well over 600 pounds.
The heaviest Indian Tiger found weighed in at about 857 pounds.
The females, being much smaller, weight about 200-300 pounds.
Tigers have reddish brown fur with a very distinctive stripe that is brown to deep black. Most tigers have more than one hundred stipes on them and each animal has its own pattern, much like a human fingerprint is unique to its owner.
Scientists think the stripes were for camouflage to help the tiger hunt.
It is hard to use this to identify the individual tigers as no one seems to be able to record the stripe patterns accurately due to the need to be close for an extended period of time. Imagine that.
The stripes are not just on the fur, but on the skin of the tiger. If a tiger were completely shaved, his skin would have all the stripes still on it.

Bengal Tiger
Adult tigers are territorial and fiercely defensive. The size of a tigers home range mainly depends on prey abundance and in case of male tigers on access to females. A tigress may have a territory of about twenty five miles, with the males territory being a great deal larger.
Sometimes the territories will overlap and although they are in fact very territorial, it seems that females will tolerate each others incursioins into their territory, while the males do not. They have amazing disputes which can end in the death of one of the males.
To identify his territory the male sprays the trees with his urine, scenting them to warn off other tigers, and sometimes to bring in females who are receptive to mating.
Male tigers will mingle with females in their own territory and even sometimes share their prey, even with females with cubs.
Females are very often reluctant to let males near their cubs, but in some cases, the females will permit the male near them, and he will allow the cubs to eat.
A female can mate only a few days during her season, and the tigers will mate a lot during that time span. They will then carry the cubs for about 100 days, before giving birth to 3 or 4 little ones, which weigh only about two pounds when they are born.
The female tigers raise the young alone, and are fiercely protective of them because wandering males will kill cubs occasionally to bring the female back into season to mate.
At about 8 weeks old the little tigers will leave the den for the first time, and watch the mother hunt.
They are not independent of mother tiger until they are about 18 months old.
Tigers are found in a variety of habitats. Compared to other cats such as the lion tigers like more dense thick cover to hide in.
Tigers are very strong swimmers and may follow and take prey in the water as well as on land.

Bengal Tiger
In the wild, tigers mostly feed on larger and medium sized prey, but if game is scarce they will take smaller prey and more of it, in order to feed themselves and their offspring.
Find out more about the Bengal Tiger over at Wikipedia »
Tigers are Beautiful animals
great tigers
Tigers are Smart
tigers rock:]
We need to save our tigers in the world from mankind. Tigers are the most beautiful and intelligent cats.
Tigers are beautiful, graceful animals and i love them(along with lions)
Tigers are so beautiful graceful fluffy and adoring i love them same with lions cheetahs and leopords
I love lione’s a looooooot if i have dat much potential i definately would like2 have a lion or tiger as my pet i lovvve2 kiss them as i kiss my cat
tiger in our country is a symbol of king
tiger are greatest animal . we save nature, and save tigers
Tigers are symbols of life. In other cases, they are symbols of humans. They are as precious to us as they are to nature. Protect and live with them.
I agree that tigers are beautiful creatures and i believe all of them are. I also love all types animals because they are a great for the wild and we can learn to love them more by walking to school.
I think that tigers are the most beautiul Animal out there, and we need to save them, stop poaching. If you Truley love tigers, and care for them, then we should Help and actually make an effort to help, my msn is i would apreciate it if anyone was imterested, that you please contact me, and we can figure something out. Thanks
i absolutely agree with you. we need to stand up for these tigers. maybe we could make a support group to help these beautiful wonderful animals. we are animals to but we treat other animals cruely and unfairly. i would grately appreciate a response back.
I think that tigers are the BOMB! They are totally awesome! Rock on tigers.
Interesting article. I was searching this all day. Thanks
Safe tiger & safe Jungle so beautiful our world
tigers is best:)
I love tigers and i hope they stay in our world forever.
There is more humans than tigers so we should gang up on the men that kill the tigers its not fair on them. Thanks
i love tigers! they’re so awesome!
thats so cool!
tiger are the symbol of power.
i like tigers
omg i love tigers their soo cute they are my fav……….
we love animals.
we have to protect our nature
tigers are smart but its to danderous animal but i love it .
Tigers are a very lovely.Its a symbol of bravery in our country…
They are my faviorate animals…
powerful lion
I love tigers.we are doing a progect on endanger animals and i pick bengal tiger .There ARE ALOT OF FACTS FOR TIGERS.
what kind of animals.
wonderful beautiful cats
Tigers are amazing beautiful animals that should be saved.
tigers r so cute lol
tigers are scarry and deadly, i don’t think u would think it’s cute if u were near a REAL TIGER!!
So tigers are not so cute they are scarry and deadly,ok.
Tigers should be kidnapped and killed one by one.
boldness of bangladesh
we should protect tigers
Tiger are the best animals ever. My anime at my school is Tora. thats Japanese for tiger
Never seen anything like it.
your pictures are helful for me to know more about wildlife.plz send any kind of rare picture on my e-mail acc. gdn8
Tigers should be protected, not only tigers but all the animals should be protected. We should stop animals from being endangered- They are precious…
they are without doubt the most amazing animal in the worldi love them all save the tigers please