Red Wolf
The Red Wolf is part of the animal kingdom of the southern and central United States.
It formerly ranged from the coast of Texas to Florida and as far north as Missouri and some say even Nebraska.
There are three subspecies which were recognized as red wolves, one of which (the Florida Red Wolf) was extinct in the early 1930’s, The Texas Red Wolf and the Mississippi Red Wolf.
They are named Red wolves for their orange red fur, which ranges from bright to rust colored.
The Red Wolf is much smaller and has a more thin/slender body than its cousin the grey wolf.

Red Wolf
Red wolves live in packs, much as grey wolves to, only smaller, ranging from 4 to 10 wolves, including mated pairs and children.
Much like the gray wolf, the Red wolf was persecuted greatly by humankind. This, in conjunction with the loss of its native habitat brought it to hovering on the brink of extinction.
The red wolf is the wolf of the southeast central United States. Its former range extended from Texas to Florida, and at least as far north as Missouri.
Three subspecies are recognized: the Florida (extinct by 1930), Mississippi Valley, and Texas red wolf. Named for its rusty-red fur, the red wolf is smaller and more slender than the grey wolf.
In 1970 very few true Red Wolves were left. A very minute population still remained in Texas, and Louisiana.
Researchers determined that survival without assistance of the same human intervention which had caused their destruction would be patently impossible.
Many Red wolves, because of the loss of breeding partners had bred with coyotes, and as such not the entire population of Red Wolves remained genetically pure.
In the late seventies a breeding program began which took from the wild 14 of the red wolves which were found to be genetically pure and they were bred back.
By early 1980, there were effectively no Red Wolves existing in the wild. They were determined to be extinct. In 1988, the first release of red wolves occurred in North Caroline.
By the end of the first year, they had reproduced on their own and wild wolves were born for the first time since the Red wolf had been considered extinct.
Concurrent releases of Red Wolves have since taken place in Tennessee as well as Florida.
In the early 1990’s there were only 80 Red Wolves left scattered in 8 different locations in the US.
In 2003 that number had risen slightly to 100 Red wolves which were free ranging in 20 packs in the United States.
Today in 2007 the number of Red Wolves continues to rise, but only slightly each year. The animal is considered to be critically endangered and still in need of great assistance.
Each Red wolf left to us today takes its origins from the original 14 which were captured in the early 1970’s.
Without mans interventions, the Red Wolf would now be extinct. Yet, without mans interventions. The Red Wolf would never have been endangered to begin with.
Find out more about the Red Wolf over at Wikipedia »
i love red wolfs
Is it possible that there are wolves in south florida? I pass through Jonathan Dickenson state park every night going to work. I have seen numerous coyotes at the road side or crossing. I have also seen something much different, farther south out by prat wittney road. I think I saw a wolf.
Yes, Coyotes and Red Wolves live in south Florida ….. They like to live in swampy and forrest areas…
I think Red Wolfs are the best!!!!!!!!!
you might think they are the best but sharks are acually better. but they are pretty cool
Is a red wolf an endangered animal?
please respond to my question
yea red wolfs are endanger there not more than 300 left and 150 of them are not able to run around like a wild red wolf
NO DUH!!!!
Chill dude….
sadly yes, but that is mostly hunters fault.
i think red wolfs are cool,and i also think that they are the best wolf that i have read about so far
Red Wolfs are the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this was an interesting artical about the red wolve thanks for this great info.
red wolves are so cool!!!!!!.And british wolves have a nice color too.
Love it!
I finally found out why red wolves are endangered
I love your website I hope you dont mind but i posted a link for on my website
the red wolves are great animals i can not belive that these animals are becoming endangred tho. These animals are so unique i dont know why somone would want to kill or hunt them
red wolves are wonderful but i still dont understand why they are endangred
it is because every one wants there fur and because of there habitat is being destroyed
i have a project about red wolves and i get educated about these animals before this project i do not know what is red wolf but now i know that these anımals are the most endangered animals.
I love wolves they are special.
thats horrible red wolves are beautiful creatures if i had my way i would put as many in a reserve to help them stay alive
That was interesting and sad, but atleast the numbers of these animals are going up!
Wolves are the greatest in the world! How could a person kill or harm something so beautiful?
I’m doing a project on the red wolf!
red wolves and all wolves are awesome and people who kill them must not think that killing a wolf is just like killing their pet dog!! :(
im totally with u man.
How sad….
What stupid animal
are you saying that red wolves are stupid you are stupid peep =)
im doing a project on red wolves and i think the are very pretty. i need to know why they are endangered. pls respond ::))
people shot them and stuff because they were consitered a pest, load of junk
what can us humans do to help save red wolves please respond thank you:)
Awesome animals =]
they became endangered in the late 60’s due to hunting and the clearing of the the early to mid 70’s the FWS started and breeding program and caputred the last 17 kept 14 and started the program. check out much helpful info1
i litraly love red wolves. i’m doing a project on them if anyone useful sights could u please send them to me
it’s not fair to the red wolves thry have family that care about them and hunters just kill them for fur and other stuff
red wolves are totally aswome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE RED WOLFS!!! I feel so bad for these poor creatures. People should feel so guilty right now. The people who ruin these habitats are sick people.
wolves r soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo totaly kewt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love them:)
I love this site it waz so helpful for my reasearch!
i agree totaly
ummmmm,,,, im sure without mans intervention… red wolves would have never became endangered in the first place, obviously we are the destroyers of our world,,,, keep driving and killing its humanity….
its really sad seeing such beautiful creatures being lost. wildlife and humans should coexist, if us all of us appreciate this then no wildlife will be lost
its really sad seeing such beautiful animals becoming extinct, everyone should appreciate that we Humans and widlife should coexist. Then all will be fine
its really sad seeing such beautiful animals becoming extinct, everyone should appreciate that we Humans and widlife should coexist. Then all will be fine
I’m doing a school project on these animals. its really sad seeing so little of these creatures.
Why do people want to hurt these beautiful animals we should save them and do every thing that we can do. these animals don’t deserve it at all. I think that are trying to kill them should see how it feels to be them.
its harder than u think to save endangered life but i still think we should all try to fix this mistake