The Pleiadians are said to be a collection of alien species who hail from a small star system in the Taurus constellation, Pleiades. According to sources the Pleiadians allegedly inhabit a number of planets withing the Pleaides star system including planets by the names of Erra, Ptaah, Quetzal and Semjase with Erra current serving as a home planet for the Pleiadians.
According to Billie Meier who is apparently the Pleiadians’ contact on Earth the Pleiades star system is made up of 10 plants which rotate around their sun; Tayget. Erra is described as being slightly smaller than earth and with the Pleiadians’ current technology it takes around 7 hours to travel the 420 light years to Earth.
Billie Meier claims that he has been contacted over 130 times by the Pleiadians, his first contact being with a female Pleiadian named Samjese. These multiple contacts he says occurred between 1976 and 1982 with Billie physically meeting with his Pleiadian contact numerous times although was initially contacted telepathically. Billie has gone on to write a handful of books on the subject and has been the the center of controversy within extraterrestrial discussion for years.

An artist impression of Samjese
The recurring theme with the Pleiadians seems to be that their goal is to help humans reach a new stage of evolution which focus’ heavily on spirituality. According to Billie Meier and other sources the Pleiadians have explained that they have been to earth long ago and always intended on returning.
Apparently the Pleiadians first discovered Earth in 225, 000 B.C. and after conferring with the ‘Galactic Federation’ they were given the go ahead to land on our planet and interact. The Pleiadians explained that they worked intimately with humans between 196, 00 B.C. and 10 A.D. to aid in the development of civilizations that were around at the time such as Maya, Inca, Lemuria and an un-named civilization.
According to the Pleiadians records of the history between them and Earth the last Pleiadian leader to leave Earth was in 10 A.D. and went by the name of Gabriel. Apparently the reason for the Pleiadians leaving Earth was because they wanted to give humans the chance to evolve down ther own paths, however they did leave one Pleiadians behind, an entity by the name of Jmmanuel.
This Jmmanuel was a powerful spiritual leader who possessed a soul that had evolved far beyond that of humans. Jmmanuel was the son of Gabriel and the daughter of a Lyran called Mary. Some circles believe this to be the true origin of Jesus. Legend tells that the Pleiadians will soon return to aid humans on their spiritual path, possibly at the time of a major crisis.
The combined information garnered from Billie Meier’s contacts and other sources allow use to gain a brief understanding of the Pleiadian people. The Pleiadians are a very spiritual group and are powerful telepathes. As well as being very spiritual the Pleiadians also possess technology that that is much, much more advanced than our known technology today.
The planet Erra is said to be home to around 400, 000 Pleiadians, this number may seem small for a planet not much smaller than Earth however the Pleiadians believe this is the perfect balance for the health of both their people and the planet. The Pleiadians have no currency as such and distribute goods freely based on contribution to society and due to their telepathic nature they have no medical problems and can live to around 700 years.
In contrast to the life of a human the Pleiadians spend their first 10 years learning about their place in the universe and the next 80 or so becoming a master of a specific trade – essentially their life is just starting as a human lay on their death bed.
Do the Pleiadians exist? or is this just a wild fantasy… according to Billie Meier, we will find out soon.
Yes there is intelligent beings in our solar system and there is proof which the governements ( U.S & Russia) dont want to reveal . But yes they are highly evolved spiritual powered livung beings similar to humans and they have contact with the highly spriritually evolved humans.
thats very interesting, and i belive in them, but why are the governments soo secretive about them? and why dont they just tell the world? its not like we’re going to kill them.
I have a theory that maybe they fear that if we find out there are other species of intelligent beings other then ourselves, that have in fact visted us before and during our history. Then we would not trust our governments, we will not follow our governments, we would question religion itself, and that everything we knew about our history would be questioned. They might be trying to protect us from this or they have a Dark Hidden Agenda planned for humanity that they want nobody to know about.
If they do have a DHA planned for us and if someone some how find out about it then they might catch the attention of “Big Daddy” and “Big Brother”.
I have a theory that maybe they fear that if we find out there are other species of intelligent beings other then ourselves, that have in fact visted us before and during our history. Then we would not trust our governments, we will not follow our governments, we would question religion itself, and that everything we knew about our history would be questioned.
They are either protecting us from this or that they have a Dark Hidden Agenda planned for us and they want nobody to know about it. But either way the truth can stay hidden forever.
You mean, the truth CANT stay hidden forever…
if they do exist the and if the government had contact with them, they would be keeping it secret so not to cause a mass panic. religious fanatics would probably riot in the streets and war mongerers would want new ways to kill people on a mass scale using alien technology. all in all, the human race isnt mentally ready as a whole to make first contact yet, and if we did the aliens would probably look at us the way we see cows, just another animal scratching a living from the earth.
its kinda creepy that it says “we’ll all find out soon,
but this guy may be a genius…. or a nutjob.
what do they believe happends when we die
I read you’re posting about what the aliens think happens when humans die. This is a good question. I have been studying the subject of aliens for 65 years now. I have had direct contact with several young LDS Mormon Church missionaries who later with the exception of one who told me he was indeed an alien. He even looked like a gray/human mixture. They believe in two things. The intermexed aliens in the Mormon Church belief system is similar to the human Mormon Church members. Other aliens believe strongly in a subject that we call today New Age but religions like Budda and others believe in reincarnation. The aliens not having contact with Mormons strongly believe this. George Noory on the Coast to Coast Show along with some of his guest believe this way also. Jerry Eugene Biddle in greater Des Moines, Iowa area
I do not think it’s a matter of belief…
I do not think it’s a matter of belief…
I do not think it’s a matter of belief…
that’s one hot alien
If the Pleiadians have been coming here for as long as these contactees say, then why is it taking so long for us to evolve? I would think that by now the whole planet earth would be better off than it is now. There is no need for wars and all the disease there is in the world. Man keeps up the turmoil only because he hasn’t learned anything from the past. We cannot change what we don’t acknowledge. There are those who would have us believe all these things concerning secret societies and such as a means of control. The best way to control others is through fear. Religion is the biggest culprit of them all. You can even blame a devil for your misdeeds. Please, don’t allow fear to run your lives. I fear them not as my heart and soul is in a good place . I don’t , and will not, allow the actions or believes of others lead me. I am my own master, I am responsible to only myself. I respect others as they respect me. I will not give myself away to fear. My strength belongs to me.
Actually according to science, we HAVE evolved much faster than we were supposed to, the idea that in under a million years we went from pulling ants from the ground with sticks to building nuclear armaments has the scientific field confused, and hypothesizing anything BUT alien intervention, at the speed of light. Now more and more even subscribers and promoters of organized religion are beginning to own up to the possibility that all of the “mumbo jumbo” that the History Channel speaks of just might have some credence to it after all. If the critical majority are not ready still in this day and age, with the technology and access to information and the evidence supported by ‘forbidden’ archaeology, it is because the powers that be do not want the critical majority to be ready. They know who they are…
dude, read the article. apparently they left in 10 A.D so the war is our fault. humans suck balls.
At this point in life who really cares where we come from and why we’re here? The point of the matter is that here we are. Those that would harm us have the same beginnings. There are good people and there are bad people. We are likened to a game of chess, and we’re the pawns. Follow not another in life, listen to your own intuition. Fight for what you believe in and give another the same respect you expect from others. If there is intelligent life in the universe I would love to find. Everyone has an agenda.
Yes the Governments have been trying to keep a lot of things secret, most of humanity are so brainwashed by false religions, that the explosion of true knowledge would send their minds into information over load, and it is only when humanity opens up their minds that it will be possible and these beings do not want to be responsible for the loss of life caused by fear, where mankind would shoot first.