Imac Linus Carriers
Most of us like to be able to take our dog with us when we go somewhere but what about in the car? when its safe to do so, of course the well behaved dog will be with us on the car seat but in higher traffic situations its not safe for you or for your pet.
Then too, the times when its necessary to confine them, in order for a trip to the vet or the groomer, where you might be concerned about their taking an injury from another animal means that confining them for their own protection is necessary. There are times, as much as we may not like doing so, that we need to keep our pets safe by offering them more protection than they might get when on the seat of your car or on the back seat.

Imac Linus Carriers from Pet Supermarket
On the times when you need to provide for your pets health and well being by putting them into a carrying crate. you want the best that you can find. A well secure crate for carrying your pet that has a clip for attachment so that the crate can be seat belted into the car is the best variety to get.
You need a crate that will keep your pet not only secure but also comfortable.
One which is comfortable and convenient will offer you the advantages of knowing that they aren’t able to get out, are belted into place so that they can’t be injured if there is an accident. To provide for their comfort you will want to make certain that the carrying crate that you buy is large enough to be not only rated for their weight, but also for their size.

Imac Linus Carrier
You may also want to be sure that there is room for a clip on water bottle and perhaps a food dish attachment if you’re planning on being out for several hours or for overnight travels, rather than to offer water every few hours instead.
Imac Linus carries are well designed, sturdy and seem to be the most roomy of those we reviewed, providing safety as well as the minimal requirements of being able to attach to a seat belt and a rounded head to offer more space for comfort.
The Imac Linus carriers are very well designed and will help to secure your pet as you go. To learn more about Imac Linus carriers or to order one from Pet Supermarket, please contact them at
Tel :0844 809 9907 Lines are open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday
Fax: 0191 430 8065 Tel Outside UK: + 44 191 430 80 50
Calls are charged at your local rate up to 5p per minute from a landline, calls from mobiles may vary.
You can also contact our customer services by using the Online form
Postal Addresses:
54a Aidan Court
Bede industrial Estate
Tyne and Wear
NE32 3EF United Kingdom