Desert Lupine

The desert Lupine is native to the Mojave, to the deserts of California and Nevada as well as New Mexico, Arizona and parts of Texas. It does not like higher altitudes but will grow along the road in the desert as well as on slopes and even the tops of the mesa. It has a

Big Sagebrush

Big Sagebrush, or the Sagebrush plant ranges from California into Nebraska and then south to Mexico. It is a dry area plant which will grow in rocky areas with deep soil. Plants are found as high as ten thousand feet in elevation and grow in cold desert conditions as well as warm ones. Sagebrush plants

DogBane Plant

This plant is poisonous in nature. Dogbane has also been called Indian hemp, bitter root and rheumatism weed. It is a perennial plant, with long red colored stems that rise up in a sort of cluster to grow about three feet tall. When it is cut it emits a milky thick sap. It is like


The Sassafras is a deciduous tree (meaning that it sheds it’s leaves for the winter) which is native to North America, It is commonly found growing in hardwood forests, abandoned fields, fence rows, and areas that have been disturbed in some way. It may grow to 80 feet in height, but normally is 20 to