Accidentally bred in captivity at the Barn Owl center, this barn owl permits a lot more interaction than some of the others you will see featured. Barn Owls are not good pets however.
A male and female polar bear meet on an icy backdrop in this footage of these incredible creatures. Polar bears are one of the animals that require our protection with their habitat loss and the oil field hunters.
National Geographic video of a rare panda giving birth to an infant in captivity. Many times in captivity there is a problem with rare animals breeding so this is a big succ ess story.
Endangered, the Giant Panda is beginning to reproduce, not always with great success, in zoos. Here mom panda, Lun Lun interacts with her baby, Mei Lan
Used with permission by the Humane society, the video offers reasons why supporting the circuses isn’t always a good idea, particularly those which feature wild elephants.
A Giant Panda, normally docile creatures, in this video grasps hold of a visitor to the zoo, tearing off his jacket and nearly his arms as well. Needless to say, this is a good warning about where not to sit when visiting a bear