Day: March 18, 2010


The Protoceratops was a small sheep-sized dinosaur that traveled the land in the upper Cretaceous Period of what is now known as Mongolia. These small herbivores belonged to the Protoceratopsidae family which was part of the larger order of Ceratopsia. The Protoceratops is a relatively primative species of horned dinosaur and doesn’t have particually well


The Tarchia is a type of ankylosaurid that roamed the sand dunes of Mongolia in the Late Cretaceous period. The ankylosaurid order is made up of dinosaurs of this type from North America and Asia with the Tarchia currently being the youngest known of Asian ankylosaurids. Like other ankylosaurid’s the Tarchia was massive and have


The Tianyulong is known from one partial fossil that was found in Jianchang Country, China. The name Tianyulong comes from the Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature where the partial fossil is currently on show. The partial fossil of the Tianyulong shows most of the skull and some of the spine and limbs and is believed


The Sinornithosaurus is a species of feathered dinosaur believed to have lived in the Lower Cretaceous Period throughout what is now China. The name Sinornithosaurus comes from a combination of Latin and Greek and literally means ‘Chinese bird-lizard’. The Sinornithosaurus was the fifth feathered dinosaur to be discovered that was not of avian origin and