Day: February 10, 2008


The Kinkajou lives in the subtropics or tropical rain forests, in Central and South America, where most of their life is spent in trees. This is a lot easier for them than for many other animals as they have several quite interesting adaptations, one of which is an incredible tail, and the other being some


The Aye-aye is found only one place in the world. On the Island of Madagascar, this rarely seen animal lives exclusively, and although it doesn’t look like an ape of any kind, its related to a chimpanzee as well as a human. The Aye-aye is dark brown or black in color and has a huge

Bald Eagle

A bald eagle isn’t really bald, but it does look that way, with its snowy white head fathers and white tail. The bald eagle is the national symbol and bird of the United States, yet it was nearly made extinct there by the hand of human beings. For many years they were hunted, both for

Blue Marlin

The Blue marlin is a strikingly lovely fish, the largest of the Atlantic Marlin as well as being one of the largest actual fish in the world, with the female, who is much larger than the male, reaching about 14 feet long and weighing in about 1900 pounds, nearly a ton. The average for these

North American Moose

The Moose is part of the deer family, the largest species in the family actually. You can tell a male moose easily by its huge antlers that will spread over six feet sometimes. The Moose has a long face and a muzzle that will dangle over its chin when he is fully mature. A flap

Mule Deer

The Mule Deer, which is also called the Blacktail, is a medium sized deer that has a stocky body and long sturdy legs. In the summer time they are deep red brown or yellowish brown, and in winter turn to a grayish color with a throat and rump patch and the insides of legs are