Day: February 3, 2008

Goliath Beetle

Goliath beetles are members of the insect family, called a scarab beetle. This group of insects is a native species to Africa. They are usually tropical although some are more subtropical. The Goliath beetles are among the largest beetle in the world and they are certainly the heaviest. Goliath Beetle The larvae need more protein

Red-kneed Tarantula

Red-kneed Tarantula is commonly found in Mexico. It is stout and stocky in nature, and has a beautiful tan and black coloration, a darker colored legs and reddish orange patches on every “knee”. The Red Knee Tarantula is very slow to grow, and also very long lived. Red Kneed Tarantula It is not uncommon to

Funnel Web

Funnel web spiders can be among the most poisonous in the world. They are found in Australia including Tasmania and in forest regions near the gulf coasts. There are about thirty species of the spiders identified. Funnel web spiders are so named due to the shape of the web they weave. Funnel web spiders live


Termites look a lot like ants. They have been much hated because of the damage they can do to structures such as wooden homes, however they also have a very high ecological value, due to their being able to break down such things as fallen logs and return them to the ecosystems. Termites are about

Black Widow

Famous, or infamous for its neurotoxin injecting bite, the Black Widow is not by definition an aggressive spider. A member of the family known as arachnids, the black widow is most common in areas where the climate remains temperate year round, and are particularly prolific in Arizona and New Mexico. There are three types of


Technically classified as an insect, the cicada is from a order of insects called hemiptera. The name cicada literally means “tree cricket”. They are so named because of their habit of perching and emitting a loud incessant chirping. A cicada has very large eyes which are set a great distance apart on their head. They

Praying Mantis

The Praying Mantis is one of the most loved of the insect world to humans and one of the most feared to other insects. It is extremely beneficial to gardens and humans because of its penchant for eating the things that bug us. They will eat mites, aphids and most other insects that are within