
The Almas are reported to be hairy bipedal hominid creatures that are said to be found across central Asia, Siberia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.  The first reported sightings of the Almas date back to the 1400’s. The name ‘Almas’ is used to refer to this type of hominid rather than a specific creature and is taken from Mongolian language, literally meaning ‘wild man’.

Sightings of the Almas continue to be reported in the present day usually describing the Almas as cave men or neanderthal like creatures. The individual Almasty is described to walk upright and is covered  in hair which ranges from red to dark brown in coloration. Only the face of an Almasty is apparently free from hair and sightings report the Almasty’s skin to be dark.


Some accounts have reported that the hands of the Almas are free from hair, revealing long slender fingers and it has been reported that the Almas also sport large feet similar to that of the bigfoot. The shape of the Almas skull differs from a human skull and is described as having large prominent brow lines and jaws in comparison to a flat nose and a flat slanted forehead.

Contrary to the common description provided above, in 1964 Professor Boris Porchnev described the Almas as having skulls shaped like a ‘cone’ and commented that their dental structure was very similar to humans with the Almas having slightly larger canines.

Almas - artist impression
Almas - artist impression
Almas - artist impression

Professor Boris Porchnev even claimed to have found today’s descendants of the Almas and that they are a humanoid species that live in underground caves. Professor Porchnev went on to describe the Almas as being very athletic and living off a diet of meat, fruits and vegetables. He also reported they were very foul smelling.


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