Day: March 10, 2011

10 Tornado Myths Debunked

You are finally on your way to visiting a piece of childhood nostalgia- Dodge City. You have your cowboy hat and Official Matt Dillon Marshall’s badge. A tumbleweed rolls across the highway. The kids are preparing to be bored to death. Everything is in order. But as you cross the great plain of Kansas, a

More UFOs spotted in the USA and Israel

Another sighting of a UFO was spotted, this time in the skies above American Fork, Utah. The sighting took place Wednesday, January 26. Those who saw the lights described them as three red lights hovering low in the skies with each red light dropping smaller white lights which then disappeared. Nobody can yet explain these

Aliens Began Life on Earth

Astrobiologist Dr. Richard Hoover works with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and has been studying the tiny bacteria that is found within meteorites. Having travelled the globe while studying these bacteria for ten years, he now believes that he has discovered a foreign life form that could explain the beginning of the life on Earth.

Seeds of Life Came from Outer Space

A meteorite found in Antarctica in 1995 and known as the Grave Nunataks 95229 is providing evidence that may help the theory about life on Earth coming from elsewhere in the universe. Tests conducted on the rock showed that it is made of partly of nitrogen containing both DNA and proteins. Could the seeds of