Day: August 10, 2010

Bigeye Thresher

The bigeye thresher is a species of the thresher shark family, which is found in temperate and tropical oceans all over the world. Richard Thomas Lowe, a British biologist, was the first person to scientifically describe the bigeye thresher and his findings were published in the the 1840’s in 2 prestigious journals. His description was

Thresher Shark

Found in the temperate and tropical oceans in the world, Thresher sharks are lamniform sharks from the Alopiidae family. There are 3 species of the thresher shark in the Alopias genus. The reason why this shark was dubbed the thresher shark, is because it has a distinctive thresher-like tail which can actually be as long

Black-footed ferret

The Black-footed ferret is the only ferret species in North America that is closely related to the Steppe Polecat from Russia. These small carnivorous prairie animals were classified as endangered mammal in United States since 1967. I'm happy to see you! Black-footed ferrets weigh roughly about 1 kg and are around 45-55 cm long with


Native to Asia, the lemon is a small and evergreen tree known for its oval yellow fruit. It is used for both culinary and non-culinary purposes around the world, mostly for its juice, pulp, and rind. Lemon juice 5% – 6% citric acid, which gives lemons a sour taste as it has a pH level


Capsicum is a flowering plant in the Solanaceae family. Its species are native to the Americas, where they have been culivated for thousands of years before it spread worldwide. This humble fruit is used for a variety of purposes such as medicine or for health reasons. There are 20-27 different capsicum species, and are known

Chili Pepper

The Chili pepper is a fruit that is from the Capsicum genus. Although technically the fruit of capsicums are called berries, peppers are considered vegetables. They were originally from the Americas. After the Columbian Exchange took place, numerous cultivars of the chili pepper spread across the world for both medicinal and food purposes. Hot chili