Day: June 14, 2010

Common Iguana

Common Iguanas are widely spread all over the tropical forests of America, ranging from southern Mexico to Paraguay and south to Brazil. With its whip-like tail and massive head it leaves an imposing impression. Because of its prominent throat skin and back thorns this tree lizard looks quite dangerous. The Iguanas might seem dangerous, but

Secretary Bird

Secretary bird has obtained its unusual name thanks to the black feathers on the crest that remind of goose feathers, which secretaries used to wear inserted in their wigs. In appearance, this bird looks similar to a crane, and is actually quite a unique predatory bird. Secretary Birds have earned their name thanks to the

Greater Bilby

Bilbies are small marsupials that live in burrows they’ve dug for themselves. In some parts of Australia the Bilby is also called Pinkie because of the animal’s bare, rosy nose. These small mammals have adapted to living in the deserts of Western and Central Australia and in the past they were widespread all over the