Day: March 8, 2010

Barrio’s Frog

Barrio’s Frog is found in only one place in the world – Mehuin, Valdivia, Chille. These unique frogs are extremely fast and although they make their home around streams they are not very good swimmers, however they make up for it by being powerful jumpers. Currently the Barrio’s Frog is classed as critically endangered due

Angel’s Madagascar frog

Angel’s Madagascar frog, as the name suggests lives exclusively in Madagascar and can be found only in south eastern Madagascar. These hard of hearing frogs  are primarily nocturnal and make their home in the rushing torrents of Madagascar’s forests. Sadly Angel’s Madagascar frog is currently listed as endangered due to threats like human expansion, deforestation,

Anderson’s Salamander

Anderson’s Salamander is a unique species of salamander that is only found in Lake Zacapu, Mexico. This rare salamander is unique in that it retains juvenile characteristics throughout its life, essentially coming into sexual maturity very early on in its lifespan. Sadly Anderson’s Salamander is currently classed as critically endangered due to pollution in Lake

Amazonian manatee

The Amazonian manatee is the only fresh water manatee in the world and is found only in the Amazon river basin. This unique species of manatee is currently classed as vulnerable and the exact population numbers are unknown. The last population estimate on the Amazonian manatee was just over 30 years ago where there was