Day: February 5, 2010

Vampire Moth

The term ‘Vampire Moth’ is not directed at a specific moth but rather the entire calyptra moth family. The reason these moths are often dubbed as ‘Vampire Moths’ is because of their distinct proboscis than is used to puncture skin of animals and fruit alike and drain the inner fluid. Moths species of moths are

Golden Bamboo Lemur

The Golden Bamboo Lemurs get their name from the distinct golden colored fur around their face and inner body coupled with their exclusive diet of bamboo. The Golden Bamboo Lemurs are currently listed as critically endangered due to loss of habitat from farming and agriculture expanse which is limiting their food source and home. The

Whip Scorpion

The Whip Scorpion (real name Thelyphonida) is actually an arachnid but is dubbed the ‘Whip Scorpion’ as it resembles a scorpion more than an arachnid species and has a whip-like tail. Whip Scorpions can be found in tropical and sub-tropical climates but are fairly hard to spot due to the fact that they avoid direct