Sugar Glider

Sugar Gliders arboreal, which means it, is a tree dweller. It is actually a gliding possum, and a marsupial, which means that it carries its young in a pouch.

Their name came from their interaction with the early bushman who watching them and taming them found out that they liked sweets like honey and sugar and they could glide between trees.

They are silverfish blue grey in color ( with a dark stripe on back) very light in weight and their body length is about 6 or 7 inches with a tail about the same.

Sugar Glider
Sugar Glider

It is thought that Sugar gliders live for 9 years in their natural habitat, and a bit longer as pets.

The sugar glider makes a variety of noises ranging from shrill yapping (predator is near), a sharp shriek (when fighting) to a “gurgling chatter” when in their nest.

The gliding membrane, which is a very thin skin begins at the ankle and runs to about their fifth finger. By spreading out this membrane they can glide distances of 50 to 100 feet from tree to tree.

They use their long bushy tail for stability and steering as well as “tilting” the left or right membrane, usually land on their feet successfully.

Found where there is plenty of rainfall (both cool and tropical climate) in wet and dry forests and woodland, usually with acacia gum plants about

Sugar Gliders are active at night and during the day sleep in a nest made of leaves in tree-hollows.

Anywhere from 7 and 12 gliders will live together in these nests.

Another way they can conserve heat, when food is scarce or temperatures plummet, is to go into a mild hibernation- where its body temperature drops down close to the air around them/

They are playful amongst their own living group but will attack any intruder whether it is another Glider or a totally different animal.

Sugar Glider
Sugar Glider

Dominant male sugar gliders will scent other clan members and the territory around the nest.

The Sugar Glider eats the gum and sap from acacias and eucalyptus as well as eating a range of insects from the trees in which they live.
This feeding and foraging takes place after dusk

Sugar Gliders breed from July to November so the young are taken care of during spring and summer when there is plenty of food.

Being Marsupials the young remain in a pouch usually for just over 2 months. The pouch is forward facing with two teats, and very often twins are born. After the first 2 months the young are then spend another month or so in the nest.

They then leave the nest to forage for food with either their father or mother.

Find out more about the Sugar Glider over at Wikipedia »


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