The Dangerous Jellyfish

Another in the “most dangerous animals” series, the Jellyfish fits nicely in this category.

Jellyfish are not usually deadly to humans although some kinds are, however they do produce a sting that is excruciatingly painful.

Jellyfish, swimming
Jellyfish, swimming
Jellyfish are very simple animals, which swim through the water by opening and closing their bodies, or bells, using muscle contractions. This is the means of propulsion through the water, or their version of swimming.They can swim in any direction but the closed end, or top of the bell must be in the lead or in the direction in which they are swimming.
Lionsmane Jellyfish
Lionsmane Jellyfish
The body of the jellyfish usually, although not always, has tentacles that are attached to the edges of the bell. There can be as many as hundreds of tentacles or as few as one or none.
In most kinds of jellyfish, there are usually tentacles that are arranged in multiples of either four or eight, in some type of symmetry around the outer edge of the bell, while in the middle of the underside of the bell, or what is more properly called the subumbrella, there is an opening or a feeding area that has a central mouth, and
what are called oral arms that help the jellyfish to hold onto and digest their prey.The Jellyfish is a carnivore, which will feed on a large variety of prey, including smaller fish, other jellyfish, plankton or other small organisms.
Jellyfish look very much like cold jello, and are comprised about 98 percent of water.Jellyfish sting when they are tramped on or brush past in the water, and although most stings are not deadly, some can be, particularly those of the Irukanji, however even the most benign sting is more than painful and the victim must be removed from the water to prevent them from drowning, in the event of shock.


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